Sunday 19 December 2010

International Lingerie Show

Did anyone go to this show?

via The Corset Connection by Tawny Serene on 11/10/10

The flurry and the energy spent getting to Vegas was nothing compared to my energy the morning of the show. I woke up early in the am to head over and see everything before lunch. Honestly, I haven't been this enthused since I was 6 years old on Christmas morning. 

The gorgeous silks, brocades, corsets, petticoats, feathers, stockings, shoes, and costumes were like a  neon-signed candy shop serving free chocolates. The fluffy fabrics and well-made outfits. The feathers. I couldn't get enough of the feathers. Many of the displays had major costumes created of divine outfits I would expect to see in high-end fashion shows. Most of these items were completely unique from the next. I had no idea that such a beautiful array of corsets were available in the world. Once I realized all the options out there, all the amazingly beautiful coordination, the skirts that could be matched to the shoes, the shoes that could be matched to the headdresses, the headdresses that could be matched to the garters, my eyes literally teared up and I had to take a moment. I had no idea that such amazingly gorgeous things were made in this world. 

Confessing all this ecstatic excitement to the owner, she laughs at me. "Funny, this show is about 1/100th of the other trade shows I usually go to," she explains. 

Bigger? You mean there is more? Apparently much, much more. I think if I were to walk out on to the Vegas Strip right now and be hit by a group of rowdy teenagers driving their mother's BMW I would die complete.

Most of the items I fell in love with and decided to marry right there in Vegas are not available for the retail consumer. Lucky for you dear reader (and I confess me too), I picked up quite a few pieces while stumbling around this incredible event in an awed daze. Naturally, you will find them and myself at Feel free to say hello. I will gladly shop vicariously through you.

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